Beach Nautical Micro Wedding Ceremony Stay at Home Invitation Personalized Cards cw35
A beach-inspired micro wedding ceremony invitation cards that we can customize for you. We created this for couples who are getting married by the beach. On the backside, add your favorite photo and your favorite text quotation. For this sample, we used “better together,” but we can change this for you. All texts are editable.
Beach Wedding Micro Ceremony Stay at Home Wedding Invitation Custom Cards cw31
Nautical beach-inspired micro ceremony wedding invitation cards that we can customize for you. We created this for your couples who are having a micro ceremony by the beach. To complete this design, we made a hand-painted watercolor beach. On the backside, you have the option to add your favorite photo and your favorite quotation. All texts are editable. Simply let us know.
Blue Beach Watercolor Stay At Home Zoom Wedding Invitation Cards cw23
Custom zoom wedding invitation cards that you can easily customize. Change the wording/texts so it will match your wedding details. We used a blue watercolor background and pair with blue leaves wreath with your initials inside. On the backside, add your favorite wedding picture. “Love in the time of Covid-19” is editable. All texts are changeable.
Festive Custom Zoom Wedding Invitation Cards cw26
Beautiful and festive zoom wedding invitation cards decorated with watercolor English roses in vivid colors of pink and bright peach. On the backside, add your favorite picture and quotation underneath. For this design, we used “Love in the time of Covid-2019” for the sample, but you can change it to anything that you want.
Floral Stay At Home Zoom Wedding Invitation Cards, Nothing Fancy Just Love cw21
Love in the time of Covid-2019 wedding zoom invitation cards that you can easily personalize. This design is decorated with handpainted English roses in pink. The font color that we used is pink, but we can change it foir you upon request. This design is made for Zoom Weddings, but all words and texts are editable. At the back, add your favorite photo!